Friday, November 8, 2013

Five for Friday {November 8}

It has been awhile since I've had my act together on a Friday night to link up with Kasey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.

1. I had a family donate a small pumpkin for each child in the class.  I sent these pumpkins home for students to turn into turkeys.  They are starting to come back in; so creative!  These were the first few returned.  We are hoping the last until our Thanksgiving feast to decorate our tables.

2.  This week we read our first issue of National Geographic Young Explorer.  Thanks to, I have a year subscription for my students.  They were IN LOVE with these magazines.  I have 2 more issues sitting in my room because we got our back issues.  I can't wait to share these with my kiddos!

3. We've been working hard on our writing.  We just had a project funded to get new journals.  My little authors will be excited to see these come.

4. This week was our second week of learning about food groups, healthy and unhealthy foods and "My Plate".  We completed Project-Based Learning this week.  Advanced students made their own breakfast, lunch and dinner menus as well as a "My Plate".  All other students worked in groups of 3 to create their menus and plates.  Check back this weekend because I plan to do a more in-depth post on this project.

5.  Our first night of Parent-Teacher conferences is complete!  My conferences went well last night; I'm looking forward to finishing up with the other half of my families next week.

How was your week?


  1. Those turkey pumpkins are so cute. What a fun idea! Sara

    1. Thanks, Sara! I'll have to post some more pictures because I got some more cute ones! Thanks for stopping by :).

