Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Bucket List

With four days of school left for me, I'm linking up with Mrs. Jump's Class to share my summer bucket list.

1.  Read!  I enjoy reading but find that I don't have (or make) much time for it during the school year.  I'm looking forward to reading some professional and "nonprofessional" literature this summer.

2.  Enjoy time just being at home:  I commute about an hour each way, so depending on the day and any after school commitments, I am not home much in any given day.  I just moved in last summer, so I'm hoping to enjoy some time here.

3.  Clean and organize: While boxes are unpacked and many places are organized, I have fallen into a bad habit of making a mess of my extra bedroom.  The past month or so I just drop stuff in that room when I don't know where else to put it or when I'm in a hurry.

4. Help with VBS: I'm helping with the preschool group at our church's Vacation Bible School in June.  I just started going to this church late last summer, so I have not seen VBS yet.  I hear that there are around 50 preschoolers each year, so it should be an adventure!

5.  Try some new recipes: Last summer I enjoyed trying a few new recipes each week with the help of Pinterest.  It was nice to have some different things to eat throughout the year.  I'd like to find some more easy ones that I can either make on Sunday and have for the week or quick ones to make throughout the week.  Your suggestions are welcome!

6.  I Teach K!: I'm very excited to be heading to Vegas for I Teach K! this summer.  I am presenting a session on Monday and looking forward to enjoying the rest of the week at the conference.  I'm hoping to meet new friends and learn lots!

7.  Visiting friends: I'm looking forward to visiting with friends that I don't get to see as much as I would like.

8.  Prepare for a new adventure: While I don't want to work all summer, I know that any things I do to prep for next year will make my year easier.  Over the summer, I don't mind doing things like assembling Reading A-Z books and creating centers, but I save these things for a rainy day.

9.  Get outside: Last summer I loved walking in the morning while it was still a little cool and starting my day off in a good way.  I'm looking forward to this time again this summer as well as catching of my cousin's softball games.

10. Spend time with family: I moved last summer to be closer to my family.  I am now about 20 minutes from them.  My mom also commutes over an hour to work (the opposite direction from me).  It was nice to make dinner and have my parents over a couples times a week over the summer since I am home and have more time to cook.  I'd also like to go on a little getaway with them, but we'll see about that.

What is on your summer bucket list?


  1. An hour commute? Oh I feel for ya :( Loved your french artist post, motivated to do more art next year :)
    First Grade Dual

    1. Hi Libby,
      I haven't done much art this year either, but studying France was a great time to do it! Next year we won't have an art teacher, so I'll be getting lots of experience teaching art. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

