Thursday, September 5, 2013

Math Journals

I have been thinking about doing math journals for the last couple years.  This year, I decided that it was time to stop thinking about it and just do it!  I've read many different ways of structuring math journals and types of questions to ask (thank-you Blogland!)  I decided to go with a post I read early in August from Kindergarten Kindergarten.

Thanks to the TpT sale in August, I scored the first nine weeks prompt for a steal.  After collecting some composition books on sale and some printing and cutting, we were ready to go.  I printed and precut all the prompts for the nine weeks.  Each prompt is in an envelope.  Students will be given the prompt each day to glue, using a glue stick, into the journal.

After figuring out some logistical things with our schedule, we finally started math journals today.  Below are some examples of different ways students answered the question.  Today's question: "How many kids are at your table? How can you show your answer?"

Tally Marks (Some of them are lovin' tally marks!)
Drawing pictures (most popular option)

Plain and simple, wrote the number (twice...not sure why twice).
For day one, I think we did a pretty good job.  The kids were excited about their new math journals and I'm hoping their enthusiasm continues.

Do you use math journals?  How do you incorporate them into your day?  How long do you allow in your schedule for the completion of these?

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