Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Focusing on Feelings

We have been focusing on feelings in our room this week.  Many times, it is difficult for young children to express their feelings appropriately and even more difficult to "read" the feelings of others.

We read Todd Parr's book, The Feelings Book, and are working to create our own book about feelings.  Students are choosing a feeling then creating Todd Parr inspired art sharing their feeling.  We are using KidPix to create the pictures and type the sentences.  These will be exported to the desktop, emailed to my account then put into Book Creator to create a book.  I will share link as soon as the book is complete!

Because it is so early in the year and our book is going to be published in the iBook store, I am writing the sentence students dictate to me on a white board then they are typing it.  It is great typing practice for them!  Here a few pictures of them working.

The another thing we've been doing is a little fill-in-the-blank feelings book I made for students to focus on what the feeling "looks like".  On each page, students fill in a feeling word and draw that feeling on a blank face.  A second option for differentiation is included where students write when they feel that way.

What do you do to help your young students understand the feelings of them and others?


  1. Great post!! I love the picture of all the kids on the computers! I am sure it was so engaging and motivating for them! Feelings are hard for our little kiddos especially since language plays a big part!

    1. Yes, they were definitely engaged in this project! We'll be doing more with technology for sure.
