Friday, June 5, 2015

Five for Friday {June 5}

It's been a long time since I linked up with Kasey from Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.

This was my first "official" week of summer, though it included 2 mandatory professional development days through our district.  The first was a county workshop on play. The second day was spent exploring our new math curriculum, EngageNY/Eureka Math.  We eventually broke into teams and began to prep materials.  Below is my table after about 5 minutes of 3 of us working together.  This is a sign of progress, right?

One of the piles created at the above work day was "laminate at home".  Our laminator at school has flimsy laminating film, and there are just some things you want thicker.  I spent a few evenings this week laminating these things.

I love trying new recipes in the summer.  I found out about 6 weeks ago that I have a what allergy, so I am not on a gluten-free diet.  Thank goodness for Pinterest and Aldi, I am enjoying food.  A bakery near work is complete gluten-free.  I picked up these pizza crusts and tried making a veggie and cheese pizza last night.  It was yummy!  If you have any favorites, please share!

I've spent a few evenings this week at "VBS work nights."  Our church has work nights to prep materials and decorate in the time leading up to VBS.  We worked on cutting and building snowflakes for our "Everest" theme this week.  

Here's another item that I found in my cleaning purge over the last weeks of school.  I have 12 or so of these and am anticipating 18-20 kiddos next year.  I am willing to pick up a few more during sales this summer if you have a good use for a class set!

My first thought was some type of math manipulative could be stored in them.  We are switching to EngageNY/Eureka Math, and the thing I've learned so far is that there is a lot of "stuff."  Do you have ideas of how to use these slider cases?  Please share!


  1. I do most of my laminating at home, as I can't stand the school lamination, and they just don't last. That pizza looks delish! Do you have a pencil problem? You could try the Pencil War for management! I haven't tried it, but most seem to swear by it.

    Miss Johnston's Journey
    L. Paull Designs for All

    1. Pencils aren't a problem- we do community supplies in my room. I just like a good deal and magically ended up with lots of those pencil cases in the process of deal hunting! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I used a lot of almond flour to make stuff when we were gfree in our house. I would get it at trader joes for pretty cheap!!!

    1. My mom picked up coconut flour at Trader Joes. I've been using Bob's Red Mill 1-1 Baking Mix, which is nice because you just make a "normal" recipe with that flour.

  3. Hope you have a lovely Summer and enjoying your cooking!

  4. I like to laminate at home, too. There's such a difference in the thickness of the film that it's worth it to me. Good luck with your cooking & experimenting with being gluten free. There seems to be tons of recipes & resources now.

    Learning at the Teacher Table

  5. The difference in laminating is worth it to me too! There are so many more options in the gluten free world now.

